> When I try to create the file, the first two
> lines in the Create Adobe PDF window are grayed out. So I CANNOT
> select the button _Distill Now_ or the box _View PDF Using: _. The
> HELP button says Distiller must be installed; it is (from the
> PageMaker CD.) Am I missing something else that should be installed?

Here's what I did: I installed PageMaker 6.0 on a new computer and tried "Create PDF." Why put it in the menu is the installer doesn't install Distiller, right?? Well, it's in the menu whether Distiller is installed or not, so I got the same error Gretl got. Then I installed Distiller. (This was troublesome since it uses a DIFFERENT SERIAL NUMBER THAN PAGEMAKER!) Still a greyed-out "Distill Now." So I opened both PageMaker *and* Distiller (buy the RAM to do this now -- it's as cheap as it's ever been!) and tried again and it worked. Finally I quit everything and started PageMaker again and this time "Distill Now" was available -- PM had "learned" Distiller was there.
(By the way, using Acrobat's compression and bitmap downsampling ability, my test PDF from earlier this afternoon (a 5x7 page with text overlaid on a Photo CD picture) shrank from 3.4 MEGABYTES to 66k -- even thoughI had included the two fonts I used! I told distiller to downsample the color bitmap from 300 dpi to 100 and to use JPEG compression.)
I have attached the relevant FaxYI note from Adobe. Note that it contains three minor errors:
  1. Under System 7.5.3 rebuilding the desktop no longer loses Finder comments
  2. On a Power Mac with Virtual Memory on, PageMaker only requires 5618k of RAM. VM is very fast under 7.5.3, so with VM on and set to 20MB or above, you should have enough RAM to run PageMaker and Distiller together.
  3. Distiller *prefers* 8MB but the *minimum* is 6MB.



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